Masters Thesis

The impact of direct determinants of technology acceptance on behavioral intention to use and actual use of Chromebooks in the elementary classroom

Research suggests that technology integration can produce significant gains in academic settings, but acceptance and use of emerging technologies continue to be a challenge for school officials and administrators. This study utilized a modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) survey to gather data that examined the impact of seven direct determinants of technology acceptance on behavioral intention to use and actual use of Chromebooks in the elementary classroom. The results from multiple regression analyses indicated the seven direct determinants were not statistically significant predictors of behavioral intention or of actual use. A new multiple regression analysis was conducted using only the four direct determinants that were found to be significant in previous research. The results returned significant p values for both behavioral intention and actual use. However, the coefficient factor results did not return significant values. Results, limitations of the study, and recommendations for future research are discussed.

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